Interface BotInfo.IBuilder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface BotInfo.IBuilder
    Builder interface for providing a builder for building BotInfo objects, and which supports method chaining.
    • Method Detail

      • build

        BotInfo build()
        Builds and returns the BotInfo instance based on the data set and added to this builder so far. This method is typically the last method to call on the builder in order to extract the result of building.
        a BotInfo instance.
      • setName

        BotInfo.IBuilder setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Sets the bot name. (required)

        Note that the maximum length of the name is 30 characters.

        Example of a name: "Rampage"
        name - is the name of the bot.
        this BotInfo.IBuilder instance provided for method chaining.
      • setVersion

        BotInfo.IBuilder setVersion​(java.lang.String version)
        Sets the bot version. (required)

        Note that the maximum length of the version is 20 characters.

        Example of a version: "1.0"
        version - is the version of the bot.
        this BotInfo.IBuilder instance provided for method chaining.
      • setAuthors

        BotInfo.IBuilder setAuthors​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> authors)
        Sets the names(s) of the author(s) of the bot. (required)

        Note that the maximum length of an author name is 50 characters, and the maximum number of names is 5.

        Example of the name of an author: "John Doe"
        authors - is a list containing the names(s) of the author(s). A null removes all authors.
        this BotInfo.IBuilder instance provided for method chaining.
        See Also:
      • setDescription

        BotInfo.IBuilder setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
        Sets a short description of the bot. (optional)

        Note that the maximum length of the description is 250 characters. Line-breaks (line-feed / new-line character) are supported, but only expect up to 3 lines to be displayed on a UI.

        Example of a description:
         "The rampage bot will try to ram bots that are very close.\n
         Sneaks around the corners and shoot at the bots that come too near."
        description - is a short description of the bot.
        this BotInfo.IBuilder instance provided for method chaining.
      • setHomepage

        BotInfo.IBuilder setHomepage​(java.lang.String homepage)
        Sets a link to the homepage for the bot. (optional)

        Note that the maximum length of a link is 150 characters.

        Example of a link: ""
        homepage - is a link to a homepage for the bot.
        this BotInfo.IBuilder instance provided for method chaining.
      • setCountryCodes

        BotInfo.IBuilder setCountryCodes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> countryCodes)
        Sets the country codes for the bot. (optional)

        Note that the maximum length of each country code is 2 (alpha-2) from the ISO 3166 international standard, and the maximum number of country codes is 5.

        Example of a country code: "dk"

        Note that if no country code is specified, or the none of the country codes provided is valid, then the default a list containing a single country code will automatically be used containing the current locale country code. The current local country code will be extracted using Locale.getDefault().
        countryCodes - is a list containing the country codes. A null removes all country codes.
        this BotInfo.IBuilder instance provided for method chaining.
        See Also:
      • setGameTypes

        BotInfo.IBuilder setGameTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> gameTypes)
        Sets the game types that this bot is capable of participating in. (required)

        The standard game types are listed here.

        Note that more game types might be added in the future.

        The GameType class contains the string for the current predefined game types, which can be used when setting the game types of this method.

        Note that the maximum length of a game type is 20, and the maximum number of game types is 10.

        Example of a game type: "classic"

        Example of usage:
             .setGameTypes(List.of(GameType.CLASSIC, GameType.MELEE, "future-type"))
        gameTypes - is a list of game types that the bot is capable of participating in. A null removes all game types.
        this BotInfo.IBuilder instance provided for method chaining.
        See Also:
      • setPlatform

        BotInfo.IBuilder setPlatform​(java.lang.String platform)
        Sets the name of the platform that this bot is build for. (optional)

        Note that the maximum length of the name of the platform is 30.

        If the platform is set to null or a blank string, then this default string will be used for this API:
         Java Runtime Environment (JRE) [version]
        platform - is the name of the platform that this bot is build for.
        this BotInfo.IBuilder instance provided for method chaining.
      • setProgrammingLang

        BotInfo.IBuilder setProgrammingLang​(java.lang.String programmingLang)
        Sets the name of the programming language used for developing this bot. (optional)

        Note that the maximum length of the name of the programming language is 30.
        programmingLang - is the name of the programming language used for developing this bot.
        this BotInfo.IBuilder instance provided for method chaining.
      • setInitialPosition

        BotInfo.IBuilder setInitialPosition​(InitialPosition initialPosition)
        Sets the initial position of this bot. (optional)

        Note that initial positions must be enabled/allowed with the game (server) in order to take effect.
        initialPosition - is the initial position of this bot.
        this BotInfo.IBuilder instance provided for method chaining.