Package dev.robocode.tankroyale.botapi
package dev.robocode.tankroyale.botapi
Contains all public classes and interfaces for the Bot API for Robocode Tank Royale.
ClassDescriptionAbstract bot class that takes care of communication between the bot and the server, and sends notifications through the event handlers.Abstract bot class provides convenient methods for movement, turning, and firing the gun.Represents errors that occur with bot execution.Bot info contains the properties of a bot.Builder interface for providing a builder for building
objects, and which supports method chaining.Represents individual bot results.Represents the current bot state.Represents the state of a bullet that has been fired by a bot.Color represented in RGB format.Constants.Droid interface to turn your bot into a droid bot, which is used as a specialized team bot.Game setup retrieved when game is started.Predefined game types.Interface containing the core API for a bot.Interface for a bot that extends the core API with convenient methods for movement, turning, and firing the gun.Initial starting position containing a start coordinate (x,y) and the shared direction of the body, gun, and radar.