Coordinates and Angles

Coordinate system

Robocode uses the Cartesian coordinate system, which means that the (0, 0) coordinate is in the bottom-left corner of the arena.

Coordinate System and Rotational Direction System

Rotational direction system

Robocode Tank Royale uses the classic trigonometric functions for angles and directions. Hence, 0°/360° is east, 90° is north, 180° is west, and 270° is south. When turning a bot to the right, the angle moves in the clockwise direction.

Note this coordinate system differs from the original version of Robocode. With the original Robocode the 0° and 360° is to the north, and 90° is to the east. Therefore, the turning in the original Robocode was moving in the opposite direction. This change was made to the new version of Robocode to make it easier to use ordinary math.

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