Calculation scores
Bullet Damage
Bots score 1 point for each point of damage they do to enemies.
Bullet Damage Bonus
When a bot kills an enemy, it scores an additional 20% of all the damage it did to that enemy.
Survival Score
Each bot that survives a round scores 50 points every time another bot dies.
Last Survivor Bonus
The last bot alive scores 10 additional points for each opponent bot that has died.
Ram Damage
Bots score 2 points for each point of damage they cause by ramming enemies.
Ram Damage Bonus
When a bot kills an enemy by ramming, it scores an additional 30% of all the damage it did to that enemy.
Total score
The total score is everything else added up and determines each bot´s rank in this battle.
1sts, 2nds, 3rds
These do not contribute to the scoring but are the number of rounds a bot is being placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
Score versus lone survivor
A bot will not necessarily win, just by being the last bot left on the arena as the last survivor. A bot that does not fire much but "just" saves the energy is getting a lesser score than a bot that hits other bots with lots of bullets. So, do not save your bullets too long as an attempt to survive. But make sure you hit with as many of your bullets as possible. The better your bot is at hitting other bots, the better your score will become.