My First Bot for .Net


This tutorial is meant for the .Net platform and a continuation of My First Bot tutorial.

The programming language used in this tutorial is C#open in new window, which is a very popular programming language for .Net. But other .Net programming languages like Visual Basicopen in new window and F#open in new window can be used as well.

This tutorial assumes you are already familiar with basic C#open in new window and .Netopen in new window programming. But this tutorial should suit well for practising your skills programming for .Net in C# by making a bot for Robocode.


.Net API

The documentation of the .Net API for Robocode Tank Royale is available on this page.

Create a source file

Inside your bot directory (../bots/MyFirstBot) you need to create a C# source file named MyFirstBot.cs. You can edit that file using a text editor of your choice, or an IDEopen in new window like e.g. Visual Studio Codeopen in new window or Visual Studioopen in new window.

Initial code

The initial skeleton of your bot could look like this:

using Robocode.TankRoyale.BotApi;

public class MyFirstBot : Bot

The class in this example (MyFirstBot) is inherited from the Botopen in new window class from the Robocode.TankRoyale.BotApi namespace provides methods for controlling the bot but also makes it possible to receive events from the game. The API is taking care of the communication with the server behind the scene.

Startup / Main entry

The next thing we need to do is to declare a Mainopen in new window method for our bot. The bot will run like an ordinary application, and hence the Mainopen in new window method is the entry point of the bot.

    // The main method starts our bot
    static void Main(string[] args)
        new MyFirstBot().Start();

    // Constructor, which loads the bot config file
    MyFirstBot() : base(BotInfo.FromFile("MyFirstBot.json")) { }

The Mainopen in new window method in this example simply calls the Startopen in new window method of the bot, which will let the bot startup reading configuration and start communicating with the server.

The bot will attempt to join the server and wait for a signal to engage in a new battle, where one or multiple instances of this bot must participate.

The constructor of MyFirstBot is set up to call the base constructor, which needs an BotInfoopen in new window object containing the bot configuration. The BotInfoopen in new window class contains a convenient method named FromFileopen in new window which can initialize the BotInfoopen in new window by reading a JSON file. In this case, it will read the MyFirstBot.json file we created earlier, which must be available within the bot directory (or some other file location accessible for the bot).

Note that it is also possible to provide all the necessary configuration fields programmatically without a file.

The Run method

When the bot is started by the game, the Runopen in new window method will be called. Hence, your bot should override this method to provide the logic for the bot when the game is started. The Runopen in new window method should do all required initializing. After that, it should enter a loop that runs until the game is ended.

    // Called when a new round is started -> initialize and do movement
    public override void Run()
        // Repeat while the bot is running
        while (IsRunning)

With the code above, the bot will run in a loop, starting by moving forward 100 units. Then it will turn the gun 360°, move back 100 units and turn the gun 360° again. So the bot will continuously move forward and back all the time and rotate the gun between moving.

When leaving the Runopen in new window method, the bot will not be able to send new commands each round besides code that runs in event handlers. Therefore, a loop is used for preventing the Runopen in new window method from exiting. However, we should stop the loop as soon as the bot is no longer running, and hence need to exit the Runopen in new window method when IsRunningopen in new window becomes false.

The IsRunningopen in new window property is a flag maintained by the API. When the bot is told to stop/terminate its execution, the IsRunningopen in new window property will automatically be set to false by the API.

Event handlers

The Bot APIopen in new window provides a lot of event handlers (On"SomeEvent" methods) that are triggered by different types of events. All event handlers in the Bot API start with the On-prefix like e.g. OnScannedBotopen in new window. All event handlers are available with the IBotopen in new window interface, which the Botopen in new window class implements.

Talking about the common OnScannedBotopen in new window event handler, we can implement this handler to fire the cannon whenever our bot scans an opponent bot:

    using Robocode.TankRoyale.BotApi.Events;

    // We saw another bot -> fire!
    public override void OnScannedBot(ScannedBotEvent evt)

We can also implement another event handler OnHitByBulletopen in new window to let the bot attempt to avoid new bullet hits by turning the bot perpendicular to the bullet direction:

    using Robocode.TankRoyale.BotApi.Events;

    // We were hit by a bullet -> turn perpendicular to the bullet
    public override void OnHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent evt)
        // Calculate the bearing to the direction of the bullet
        double bearing = CalcBearing(evt.Bullet.Direction);

        // Turn 90 degrees to the bullet direction based on the bearing
        TurnLeft(90 - bearing);

Note that the Bot APIopen in new window provides helper methods like CalcBearingopen in new window to ease calculating angles and bearings in the game.

Putting it all together

Okay, let us put all the parts together in a single source file:

using Robocode.TankRoyale.BotApi;
using Robocode.TankRoyale.BotApi.Events;

public class MyFirstBot : Bot
    // The main method starts our bot
    static void Main(string[] args)
        new MyFirstBot().Start();

    // Constructor, which loads the bot config file
    MyFirstBot() : base(BotInfo.FromFile("MyFirstBot.json")) { }

    // Called when a new round is started -> initialize and do some movement
    public override void Run()
        // Repeat while the bot is running
        while (IsRunning)

    // We saw another bot -> fire!
    public override void OnScannedBot(ScannedBotEvent evt)

    // We were hit by a bullet -> turn perpendicular to the bullet
    public override void OnHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent evt)
        // Calculate the bearing to the direction of the bullet
        double bearing = CalcBearing(evt.Bullet.Direction);

        // Turn 90 degrees to the bullet direction based on the bearing
        TurnLeft(90 - bearing);

Running the bot

Now we got a JSON configuration file and the program for our bot. The next step is to provide the files for running the bot application. We need to set up a C# project source file (.csprojopen in new window) and scripts for starting the bot.

C# project source file

So we need to create a MyFirstBot.csproj file with the following content:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
        <PackageReference Include="Robocode.TankRoyale.BotApi" Version="0.10.0"/>

This C# project source fileopen in new window is a config file used by the dotnetopen in new window command used for compiling and running the bot.

Most parts of this file are static content. But these fields need attention:

  • RootNamespace should contain the exact class name of your bot.
  • TargetFramework tells what .Net version your bot requires for running.
  • LangVersion is the C# version
  • Version for the PackageReference for the Robocode.TankRoyale.BotApi must use the version of the API the bot is built for.

API available at Nuget

The Robocode.TankRoyale.BotApi is available on Nugetopen in new window here: in new window

You can install the bot API using the dotnetopen in new window command like this:

dotnet add package Robocode.TankRoyale.BotApi

This installs the newest available version of the Bot API for Robocode Tank Royale. You can install a specific version by adding the --version option with the specific version:

dotnet add package Robocode.TankRoyale.BotApi --version 0.10.0

Scripts for starting the bot

The remaining part is to supply some script files for starting up the bot. This will ease starting up the bot from the command line. But those files are also necessary for booting up the bot from Robocode, which will look out for script files when examining the bot directory and figure out how to run the bot. The script files tell the booter of Robocode how to start the bot, which is different for each programming language, platform and OS.

With .Net it is possible to run your bot under Windows, macOS, and Linux. Hence, it is a good idea to provide script files for all these OSes, which mean that we should provide a command fileopen in new window for Windows, and a shell scriptopen in new window for macOS and Linux.

We create a command file for Windows named MyFirstBot.cmd and put it into our bot directory:

dotnet run >nul

So the dotnet run part is used for starting the bot standing in the bot directory from a command prompt.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The >nul is a work-around necessary to avoid a Windows-specific quirk where the bot becomes unresponsive when started up as a process with the Robocode. [1]

Next, we provide a shell script for macOS and Linux named and put it into our bot directory:

dotnet run 

Note that we need to set the file permission to grant read, write, and especially the execute right of the script for the owner and owner´s group, e.g. set the permissions to 775 (-rwxrwxr-x). We can do this with this command:

chown 775

Note that the 5 (read and execute) is set as everybody else than the owner and owner´s group does should not have the write permission per default unless it is explicitly granted by you. 😉

Now you have everything in place to run your bot with Robocode Tank Royale.

Note that the server must be running locally (on your system) when attempting to run the bot locally; otherwise your bot will fail with an error because it cannot find the server. The server can be started using the Robocode UI.

Packaging your bot

If you need to package your bot for distribution, you can do this by zip-packing the bot directory. The zip archive should contain:

  • Source file (.cs, .fs, or .vb)
  • Project source file (.csproj, .fsproj, or .vbproj)
  • Script files (.cmd and .sh)
  • JSON config file (.json)

And then you might want to provide a READMEopen in new window file to provide some information for other people about your bot. 😃

  1. ? "Note that the unresponsiveness of a Windows process running a bot is not observed when running the bot directly from the command line with or without the script; only when using a Java process for running the script inside the Robocode booter." ↩︎

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